■商品概要【メーカー品番】AFW-S-001■詳細説明Factory-Links bearings are packed with a heavy duty premium marinegrease and an addition of a special complex thickeners which allowsit to be virtually waterproof. It provides unsurpassed rust andcorrosion protection.Also to keep any moisture out, we have gone from 30% grease fillingto a 60% for harsh conditions.Our Factory-Links ball bearings are specially developed for anOff-Road use, unlike Industrial 2RS type ball bearings offer lowtorque resistance and hence weak resistance to water intrusion.■注意点※輸入品のため、説明書が付属する場合、外国語の説明書となります。※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。 ※画像はイメージです。■適合車種KFX 400 2WD KFX 400 2WD 年式: 03-06 備考: KSF400ALT 230 QUADSPORT 2WD LT 230 QUADSPORT 2WD 年式: 87-93LT 250 QUADRACER 2WD LT 250 QUADRACER 2WD 年式: 85-92LT 500 QUADRACER 2WD LT 500 QUADRACER 2WD 年式: 87-90LT-R 450 QUADRACER 2WD LT-R 450 QUADRACER 2WD 年式: 06-11LT-R 450 QUADRACER SPECIAL EDITION 2WD LT-R 450 QUADRACER SPECIAL EDITION 2WD 年式: 08-11LT-Z 250 QUADSPORT 2WD LT-Z 250 QUADSPORT 2WD 年式: 04-10LT-Z 400 QUADSPORT 2WD LT-Z 400 QUADSPORT 2WD 年式: 04-18LT-Z 400 QUADSPORT SPECIAL EDITION 2WD LT-Z 400 QUADSPORT SPECIAL EDITION 2WD 年式: 08-12400 DVX 2WD 400 DVX 2WD 年式: 03-08 備考: ARCTIC CAT